I need some rest right now indeed but instead of having a sleep I still want to update this blog regarding the promise I made from the previous entries to tell about the resolution and all the wishes for 2010. Well, this is the second entry in 2010 and I wish that it would not be a long entry as it was my vision in being a good blogger. I have to type a short, but understandable entry. Despite I'm using the old-fashioned home's laptop because mine was not working and need to be repaired. I will get mine, in about two or three months later. *sigh
I was realize that all of my problems in 2009 was because of my failure in managing time. It was the big reason, why I got a very low pointer, why I failed to get enough of sleep, why I woke up too late every morning and sometimes I have to skip the class in the morning. Just because I failed to manage my timetable wisely. So, the first resolution is by managing time properly and I need to make a weekly planner as I will not going to follow the daily timetable. Reduce the using of laptop because when I switch on my laptop, I am always tend to online and play farmville. What a waste of time. T____T
Secondly, is about the weight. I want to reduce my weight as soon as possible by limit the daily usage of pocket money so I will not going to buy too many foods. And perhaps I would get two things, less weight and less usage of money. Next, perhaps I would always be in the futsal court to play the handball in order to reduce my weight. Okay, please don't laugh. This is my target.
Lastly is study harder and smarter because the result was not good enough. I need to concentrate in lectures because it would help me to understand the lesson. No more skip the class without a sensible reason. And friends, do prompt me since I am just a human, easy to forget.
p/s; These two weeks would be too busy because the Law, Psychology, and Library test is coming. We need to pass Psychology's assignment by 14th. The video advertisement should be passed in Wednesday. And I need some space to relax because being a secretary of Debate's Club is not as easy as I think.
p/ss; I think, I do love the wedges that I bought from Vincci on Friday. Yeay. (:
p/sss; I don't have enough time to care about you. So, please go from my life.
26 Yorum var:
haha heels from Vincci that you bought niceeee okay. i like :D
Dyla kamil, Memang lahhh sebab ada 2 orang fashion constructor yang guide aku. Haha.
ouh,we are in the same boat. I didn't spend my time over farmville but I spend my time net surfing!! wuwuuu~
(tengok movie tak. baca gossip pon tak. tak tahulah hape yg dihadapnya dekat net) T____T
goodluck for us! (since our resolution is same. hi hi)
Syuhada, haha. I think most of teenagers have the same problems. OMG, am I still a teenager? Haha.
Goodluck babe. :)
rda , we are aging yet still teenagers laaa
goodluck testss ;)
ak ske aim ko yg no2 tu.. 2 in 1.. weight lose n jimat! hee~
god bless u :)
daily timetable???
dlu pnah r jugak gatal2 nk wt..
tp rase sengal nk mati coz all that we planned sumenye hampeh je coz xbley nk follow..
lagi satu, u xde laa gemuk sgt (i think overweight is much better word) tyme kite jumpe kt melaka aritu,..huhu
in short, gd luck (*~*)
lex rda..
every problem has their solution..
just go for your drems n hope..
your family will owez behind u,i'm sure bout dat..
n still got frens beside u...
haha... those were the normal probs a student would have..
just enjoy life and have no regrets later aite..and dat means managing ya time.. so i guess you're on the right track...hehe..
hehe.. neway u have an interesting blog... keep on writing ya...:P
Dyana, haha. Okay fine. :)
Fifa, thanks okay. :)
Dya, haha. Of course. Tapi tak tahu lah boleh ke tak. Haha.
Naz, thanks so much. :)
Adzrul syafiq, haha. Betul2, dulu time sekolah pernah buat jugak. Tapi failed. I never followed. Haha.
Eh eh, yeke? Entahlah, nak kuruss sikit. Heee.
Dodol and bear, thanks for the support okay. :)
Sis nen-c, thanks so much for dropping by. I'm too excited. :))
semoga tercapai semua hasrat kau weyh. kalau tercapai, blanaj aku ok? wth. haha.
aku ke yg kau nk soh blah dr hidup kau. ok lahh, aku blah lahh. hahahaha.
baru aku tau komen je membuktikan ko hot,fakta baru.
1)time mnagement,weight loss n lastly effort on study,pujian menggunung aku garapkan pd ko,aku doakan semua tercapai
2)follow blog br aku
moga azam trcapai...
Fiqah, aminnn. :)
Hah? Memang kau. WTF. Haha.
Mizi, taklah. Ni je mechanism untuk orang luahkan aku hot. Okay?
Ha, thanks so much.
Ceh, buat blog baru pulak. Will do. :)
Ghostone, thanks okay. :)
aku ingin mengucapkan kau semoga kau berjaya tunaikan semua2 ni ! :D
"fashion constructor" ? :DD
Fs, thanks okay.
Alaahhh, senyum kambing pulak. Haha.
Sen de yaz