Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Back to the C-changes.

Do we need to change ourselves for the sake of our beloved one?
Do we need to make changes of ourselves as what they want?

I don't need to change, I already different when I am with you.
Because you're different too! (in my heart)

12 Yorum var:

NDYANAH K . said...

bunyi macam in love !

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Dyana, in love with someone. Yeah. (:

NAZ said...

pwiitt :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Naz, (:

DOLCEshasha said...

good to change : )

Maira Junoh said...

heh !

Anonymous said...

sapa, sapa? pakwe baru

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Shasha, it's good for certain situations only.

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Myra, apa apa?

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Feeqa, hongek kau pakwe baru. Haha.

Azira Hafiza said...

WALAWEIIIII! weweit weweit.

hahahahaha ;)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Choiiiii. Haha.