Monday, February 15, 2010

Sorry, I can't make it.

Just want to say sorry to everybody because I don't have enough time to reply all your messages through my phones or even through my facebook and blog. Because I even don't have enough time to take a look for my phones, I'm too busy with the debate thingy. And perhaps, this condition would be continued till the end of ASTAR. InsyaAllah will update this blog after I finished all the things here.

Well, there are many things to tell about regarding this training. It's quite tough because everybody really make lots of effort. So, I have to work harder that everyone because I'm not good enough in debating. So people, please help me by praying for me. Thank peeps.

p/s; Happy Valentine's Day people! I mean, for all my girlfriends. I love you all so much.

14 Yorum var:

Adzrul Syafiq said...

finally, i managed jd org 1st y anta komen..mesti seronok kn dpt join ngn s alam..huhu..wish u best of luck n klu dh tpilih nnti, jgn lupe utk harumkan nama uitm di pringkat y ttinggi..

honestly, i rase ayat i tu memang terlalu puitis..dh lame xtulis mcm u since wt krgn spm..hahaha

Azureen Azlan said...

my prayers are always with u. take care :)

dylakamil said...

happy v day too rda ! goodluck with yr debate :)

dhanial yahaya said...

busy gila kak rda ni , haha

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

MB, hahhaha. Bagus2, satu pencapaian yang agak baik. :)

Thanks for all the advices. :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Ween, thanks so much sayang. Take care too. :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Dyla, thanks babe. :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Dhanial adik, kakak ni memang busy sangat2. T___T hahaha.

FS said...

congrats ;)

Anonymous said...

bz nah??

Dya Rohimi said...

gud luck rda!

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

FS, congrats for what? :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Feeqa, sangat2 busy. :)

Rabiatul Adawiyah Sulaiman said...

Dayah, thanks so much. :)